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Why is the show rated R?
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I am thinking of doing this show with my high school students for our end of the year musical. Can you give me some more information as to why it is rated R?
2 Answers
I would add that it would be beneficial to listen to the soundtrack. There is a good deal of "adult" language - not just in the Gun Song, but also the Ballad of Booth, and several scenes (Byck's monologue, etc.) as well as some innuendo (a scene with Sara Jane & Guiteau comes to mind)...but if you believe that communicating up front that there is strong language and mature themes will keep parent/community complaints at bay, I agree that this show is a great opportunity to open discussion ask questions - What is the American Dream? Are we entitled to realize it? History of assassination/assassins in our country and how they impacted American politics, society, legacies, basic protection of President/elected officials, etc. Love this show! "Assassination Vacation" is the book that inspired the show, and a great companion piece.
Staff Answer
Mostly because of the themes in the show, as well as some language (think of the Gun Song). Our ratings are intended as guidelines, but by no means are intended to be strict "perform or don't perform" rule. Every community and school is different and has different tastes, and only you will be the best judge of what is appropriate for your group. We certainly have had high schools perform Assassins in the past, and it has been a catalyst for great discussions about many of the themes presented. Still, we strongly encourage you to order a perusal script and read it carefully to determine if it will be appropriate for your school.