Lion King Jr.

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February 3, 2014
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I was wondering if this article had any truth to it. Also, if it is true that Lion King Jr. will be released, will it only be released to schools? I am the director of the Amarillo Little Theatre Academy and have had great success with many shows you offer such as "Children of Eden", "Little Mermaid Jr.", and "Shrek". The Lion King Jr. would be a great show for us to tackle next. Also if this is true, when will applications be offered? Thank you for any help you may be able to offer!
22 Answers

February 3, 2014
Hey Guys, It is true that they are developing The Lion King Junior & Kids. While I'm not an expert, I know the process does take a while so I'd say it's going to be a year or two before you see a final product for licensing. Spencer

February 3, 2014
Thanks. The Playbill article mention January of 2015. If true, that would work great into our Spring Musical position. Jason
