Logo T-Shirts

Logo T-Shirts

Show your pride with t-shirts featuring your musical’s official logo.


Our official Logo T-Shirts are licensed to your school or theatre, and make for a great fundraising item to sell to cast, crew and parents before the show and during intermission.  All of our logos are designed by professional artists, and, in many cases, they are the original designs used for the Broadway or Off-Broadway productions. All Logo T-Shirts come in black, and are perfect for actors and backstage crew.  While designs may vary, most Logo T-Shirts feature a simple title treatment - please call your licensing representative for more information.


Logo T-Shirts are available only in packs of six of the same size. Sizes include:

  • Child Small (8-10)
  • Child Medium (10-12)
  • Child Large (14-16)
  • Adult Small
  • Adult Medium
  • Adult Large
  • Adult X-Large
  • Adult XX-Large
T-Shirt Image Disclaimer

Please note, the images displayed on this page reflect the most current version of the physical t-shirts held in our inventory. Actual t-shirts received may have slight variations, and may not precisely match your official Logo Pack. Please use the Official Logo Pack for all billing and publicity needs.

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