
Audition Central: DO NOT USE Roald Dahl's Willy Wonka KIDS

Script: Veruca Salt

(WONKA, VERUCA and MIKE have continued the tour. WONKA guides them through the maze of towers as CHARLIE slips into the back of the line.)




You see Veruca, cocoa beans contain a variety of chemicals, the primary psychoactive components being theobromine and, just step this way and

(CHARLIE and GRANDPA JOE join the group.)

Charlie, do stay with the group. We wouldn't want you to float away, now would we?


And next we have&

(Musical chord then: VOICE OVER "BAD NUT.")

The Nut Room!

(They watch as each SQUIRREL picks up a nut, takes it up a ramp, and deposits it into a hopper. A voice judges the nut: "GOOD NUT." This action continues throughout the scene.)






Mr. Wonka, are those squirrels?






Right you are! Eventually, these squirrels will remove a walnut from its shell in one piece and at the same time sort the good nuts from the bad nuts.






They're so adorable! Here, squirrelly-squirrelly!






Veruca, whatever you do, DO NOT DISTURB the squirrels! They are in training.






See here, Wonka, I want a squirrel. I want a squirrel and an Oompa-Loompa! I want a squirrel and an Oompa-Loompa and a pink candy boat and while we're at it

(VERUCA crosses to the SQUIRRELS, trying to catch one. The VOICE OVER fades out during the song.)