
Character Breakdown

Anna Nielsen
A woman in her thirties. She is lovely, warm, vunerable. She seems at first rather lost and frightened; then slowly, through the course of the play, she becomes self-assured, even regal, in her bearing.
Vocal Range:Soprano
Alexei Bounine
A former Cossack General in his forties. Though now reduced to driving a taxi for his living, he has lost none of his self-confidence and his ability to command. He rarely loses his military bearing. From his first syllable, his hard-living, hard-drinking Cossack background is clearly at odds with his post-revolution Berlin surface sophistication. Bounine is smooth and glib, cool under fire, but beneath the calm, controlled conniving of the slick crook and con-man, he is always a tiger. A self-styled swindler, gambler, liar, cheat -- he remains a fascinating scoundrel ripe for regeneration by love. Until then, there is an implied threat and electric sense of danger in everything he says and does.
Vocal Range: Baritone
The Dowager Empress, Marie Feodorovna
A deep speaking voice is desireable, singing not a requisite. A woman in her eighties, stern, imperious, and unbending. The Empress has suffered terrible tragedies, has only survived because of her unyielding resolution to triumph over them. The more rigid and unbending she is, the more touching and searing will be her final acceptance of Anastasia. She well deserves her description: "The Iron Ikon." in 80s, imperious, deep voice, female iron
Prince Paul
Anastasia's cousin and betrothed, a handsome, charming man of Bouine's age, with the careless manners and morals of a profligate, spoiled, penniless, German aristocrat.
Vocal Range: Tenor or Baritone.
Character singing voice. A man in his forties, formerly a dentist, now General Bounine's private secretary. He is a nervous, suspicious, frightened man, who does his best to bluff his way through life --- and always sees the worst in everything.
Character singing voice. A man of Chernov's age, something of a dilettante and an aesthete, who is totally out of his depth as a conniver.
Formerly the General's aide-de-camp. The same age, Cossack background and military bearing as Bounine, he can't forget he was once a Major in Bounine's Division, and is ready for any action that will restore him to his former glory.
Vocal Range: Baritone
Baron Drivinitz
A big, physically impressive, pompous man in his sixties, arrogant to his inferiors, obsequious to his betters -- and possessed of a dark, booming bass-baritone speaking voice.
Sir Archibald Douglass
A British banker, from the City of London -- with all that implies. He is clever, all business, cynical, and suspicious.
Sonia Seretskya
A grandmotherly woman, formerly a housekeeper in the service of the Czar.
Vocal Range: Mezzo or Soprano.
Doubles as BARONESS DRIVINITZ, and VOICE 2 (in Anna's mind).
Sonia's Son
Not a child.
Vocal Range: Baritone.
Sonia's Daughter
Not a child.
Doubles as COUNTESS KORSAKOV, and VOICE 1 (in Anna's mind).
In 40s, self-confident, military, slick.
You Will Expand The Cast By A Maximum Of Five If You Do Not Double