FAQ - Payment

If you require a Sole Source letter please email accounts payable at ap@mtishows.com. In your request please include the name and address of your group, your customer number and the name of the show you require the letter for.

If you do not receive your refund check, please email accounts payable at ap@mtishows.com. In your email please include the name of your group, your customer number, and the booking the refund was issued for. Also include a copy of our Refund Check Reissue form

W-9 forms can be found here: www.mtishows.com/forms


Refund checks are automatically made out to the group name on your MTI account. If you need the check made out to someone else please fill out a Refund Check Payee Change request form. It’s best to get this form back to us ASAP so a check is issued to the correct person as soon as the booking closes.

If a refund check has already been issued with an incorrect payee name you will have to fill out both a Payee Change form and a Refund Check Reissue form.

Yes, but we can only accept credit card payments for amounts up to $100 by phone. If you’re paying for your production contract with a credit card, you will need to fill out the “Payment” section of the contract with your credit card information. If you’re paying for an existing invoice, you will need to pay balances of more than $100 online through your MyMTI account.

A production booking is kept open for a full 35 business days (6-8 weeks) after the closing performance date. This is to allow an automatic grace period in case any adjustments are needed due to poor ticket sales, cancelled performances, natural disasters, etc… Then, 35 business days after the closing performance date, our system checks to see what materials have been received back and scanned in at our warehouse. The system automatically issues a missing materials charge and updates the invoice for anything that is not scanned in at the time. When the booking closes, we pay the rights holders and the security fee is applied towards the shipping charges, any missing materials charges and any other open invoices within the account that have a past due balance on them. Anything that is left over then goes into a refund status. It generally takes a couple of weeks for a check to be issued and mailed once it enters the refund status. The refund will be in the form of a check made out to your organization. A final invoice will be sent with the refund check.

Please remember that the shipping and handling charges are calculated when the package is weighed and shipped out. The shipping charges are then added to the invoice and they are deducted from the security fee once the show closes. Part of the security fee would also have been used to cover any missing materials charges or outstanding invoices before the refund was issued.

You can email, print and pay your individual invoices at anytime by logging in to your MyMTI account and selecting the invoice.