The MTI office will close early at 1 PM ET on Friday, February 14th and remain closed through Monday, February 17th in observance of Presidents' Day. Office operations will resume on Tuesday, February 18th.
Character Breakdown
A rakish, handsome, sophisticated gallant and narrator of the show. He is warm, cordial, and inviting to the audience, but has his own darker moments. He aids the performers in orchestrating the story.
A button-maker's young and pretty daughter, she is a romantic idealist who falls in love with Matt. She is naive, yet honest and tender.
An innocent, young man who is searching for love and adventure. A bright guy, but naive and even foolish at times, approaching situations with a false bravado.
A former boisterous navy man and meticulous gardener who fakes a fight with Bellomy in hopes of getting their children to fall in love.
A fastidious button-maker and also a picky gardener who fakes a fight with Hucklebee in hopes of getting their children together.
An aging, over-the-top Thespian who specializes in reciting Shakespeare, he is a commedia clown; his world is the stage and he knows no other reality.
Henry's goofy sidekick and another former actor who specializes in stage deaths. A commedia clown, his world is the stage and he does not live in reality.
Henry's goofy sidekick and another former actor who specializes in stage deaths. A commedia clown, his world is the stage and he does not live in reality.
A button-maker's young and handsome son, he is a romantic idealist who falls in love with Matt. He is naive, yet honest and tender.