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13, the Musical. Dealing with fear.
Just finished a production of 13. LOVE LOVE LOVE this sweetly innocent funny sassy show..and yes, I said innocent. BUT I am getting A LOT of flack from my community. I was so shocked...all I saw were these typical/stereotypical characters played by lovely children experiencing awkwardness and beauty...I have found out there have been calls to my superintendent and my principal about the content. I thought I had lost my mind. I thought I had been punked. Have I missed the adolescent curiosity and exploration? The fear of being rejected for , well, anything? The need to be accepted and the desperation to be a part of something? I have NEVER shied away from any conversation with my students. I answer simply the questions asked, and I always refer them to their parents first for their input. Many colleagues are reeling as well. I didn't think it was insulting or complicated at all. I thought and still think it was beautiful and funny and uncomfortable and amazing...just like adolescence. Please advise. How do I bring a community back together? The knives in my back are beginning to sting.