The MTI office will close early at 1 PM ET on Friday, February 14th and remain closed through Monday, February 17th in observance of Presidents' Day. Office operations will resume on Tuesday, February 18th.
Audition Central: Honk! JR.
Script: Penny
Help me! Please, help me! I'm caught.UGLY
Who...who are you?PENNY
I'm Penny. Please, do you think you can untangle me?UGLY
(Self-conscious)I'll, I'll try.
(UGLY bashfully tries to find an end to the fishing line. He is still mesmerized.)
Wh...what are you?
(Surprised at the question) A Swan. Ooh, mind you don't hurt yourself on that hook. No point in us both getting damaged.
(Entranced) A Swan.
Typical me,my first migration and what happens...?UGLY
Your first what?PENNY
Migration. The cold weather is setting in and we are leaving today for the warm lands.UGLY
You're a funny one, all these questions.UGLY
What's your name?UGLY
Everyone calls me Ugly.PENNY
Oh, don't listen to them, it's a stage we all go through. You should hear some of the things they called me before the moult.UGLY
How could anyone call you names?PENNY I say it's just a stage we all have to go through.UGLY
(Bashfully resuming his task.)Excuse me&
(He circles her waist.)
...Could you lift your wing up?
My Mother always warned me to avoid the fishing line the People leave behind.UGLY
(Suddenly enthusiastic) So did mine. She used to tell me when we were out swimming.
(Completing his task.)
There...just one more loop around your leg.
(Hugging UGLY.)Oh thank you. I thought I was going to be left behind and this is no place to spend the Winter alone.