
Audition Central: oldSchoolhouse Rock Live! JR.

Script: Dori

(LIGHTS fade to black. In the darkness we hear the SOUND of an alarm clock. It is 6 a.m. As the LIGHTS slowly rise, TOM ENTERS dressed in a bathrobe to the SOUND of a classroom. HE hears the SOUND of the bell ringing and children scrambling to their desks. He rehearses what he will say to them)

Good morning class, I m your new teacher  Mr. Mizer& no that s terrible. I don t know why I am so nervous this morning. I mean&

(One at a time, the ENSEMBLE ENTERS. Each is speaking TOM S thoughts)

I mean, I have a degree. I love children. There s no reason why I won t be a great teacher.

(GEORGE kneels down in front of TOM, looking at him as if from the TV set. All others do the same as they ENTER)

They re gonna laugh at me. I hope they don t think I m goofy.

I ll be fine. They re only eight-year-olds. I remember what it was like to be an eight-year-old& I think&

Those little monsters are going to eat me alive&

I got up early. I have plenty of time&

I ll just look over my lesson plan&

Ugh! It s too early!

I wish I could just go back to bed&