The MTI office will close early at 1 PM ET on Friday, February 14th and remain closed through Monday, February 17th in observance of Presidents' Day. Office operations will resume on Tuesday, February 18th.
Frozen JR. Licensing Guidelines
Frozen JR. has been exclusively designed for students and teachers to be produced and performed in an educational environment. It is important for those overseeing and administrating Frozen JR. to acknowledge that the show has been created primarily for young performers and theater-makers.
Accordingly, additional guidelines apply to productions of Frozen JR. To the extent any of these guidelines conflict with any terms in the Dramatic Performing Rights License section of this Production Contract, these guidelines override such provisions. Please read the following guidelines carefully to be sure that your production is in compliance.
Licensees are permitted to sell tickets to Frozen JR. in the following ways:
Selling tickets at school box office and in-person sales
Through school website ticketing systems (i.e., ShowTix4U)
Licensees are NOT permitted to sell tickets to Frozen JR. in the following ways:
Selling tickets on third-party discounted or promotional sites (i.e., Groupon, Goldstar, Living Social, Theatre Development Fund, StubHub, etc.)
Selling tickets through commercial vendors requires additional approval from MTI (i.e., Ticketmaster,, etc.)
Licensees of Frozen JR. agree to the following advertising, marketing, and press guidelines (in addition to the General Guidelines set forth below):
Licensees are permitted to promote Frozen JR. solely in the following ways:
Selling ads for your own production in the show playbills, programs, and posters
Printing posters and flyers to post around school and local community
Sending press releases and production photos to local papers, websites, blogs, on-line publications, magazines, and community newsletters
Appearing in local TV and radio interviews (no performances permitted)
Local live, non-broadcast appearances (may perform up to two songs from show in their entirety)
Posting to social media*, with excerpts from the performance of up to three minutes in the aggregate
* We recognize that Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms are a great way to connect with friends and family. When publishing to your social media accounts, take a moment to consider that your post may directly or indirectly represent the show, and by extension, The Walt Disney Company. Even a harmless post can be manipulated and redistributed, creating a harmful result that was not the original intent. In general, also be mindful that others may not want their photos posted online. In any event, stay away from sensitive or controversial references that could negatively reflect on your production or The Walt Disney Company.
Licensees are NOT permitted to promote Frozen JR. in the following ways:
Outdoor Billboards
Radio Commercials*
TV Commercials*
Paid advertisements in newspapers and magazines
* Schools with internal radio and TV systems may air content but may not broadcast outside of school grounds
Max capacity per engagement: 1,600 tickets
Max capacity per performance: 750 seats
Max # of performances in total: 10 performances
Ticket price cannot exceed $15 per ticket
All performers must be 18 years old or younger
If you are a non-school organization (i.e. Children's Theatre, Community Theatre, Professional Theatre) billing must include qualifying sub-group above title, i.e., 'Summer Camp Production of' or 'Youth Production of' (Example: Green Bay Community Theatre's Summer Camp Production of, or Diamond Head Theatre's Shining Stars Production of).
1. DISNEY PUBLIC IMAGE AND REPUTATION. You acknowledge that Disney is extremely sensitive about maintaining the wholesome Disney public image and preserving and enhancing the Disney reputation for consistently offering family entertainment of the highest caliber. You agree that neither you, nor your employees and representatives, shall take any action which could poorly reflect upon such Disney public image or reputation and you shall at all times manage the production and presentation of the Play in a manner consistent with such Disney public image and reputation. All staff will be made aware of Disney's standards and will conduct themselves in a manner in accordance with these standards and with the expectations of a family audience. In addition to the foregoing, you agree not to list any of your sponsors in connection with any advertising or promotion of the Play if such sponsors do business in any of the following categories: alcohol, tobacco, and/or firearms. If you shall desire to have a "Presenting Sponsor" of your production (i.e., a sponsor who is billed above the title of the Play as a co-presenter of your production), then you shall obtain the prior written approval of Music Theater International (MTI) on behalf of Disney, to be exercised at Disney's sole discretion. Any violation of the foregoing provisions shall entitle us to immediately terminate this Agreement, to injunctive relief, and to prohibit any further use of the Play.
2. ORIGINAL DESIGNS, DIRECTION, AND CHOREOGRAPHY. You are prohibited from copying or otherwise using any of the design, direction, choreography, artwork, or other intellectual property from the Broadway production of the Play or Film, Disney's Frozen, although there may be a general resemblance. All elements provided in the ShowKit® (dances provided on the Choreography DVD, Scenic and costume design ideas, staging suggestions, black and white logo etc.) are approved for use without further permission.
3. TRADEMARKS. You shall acquire no right under this Agreement to use, and shall not use, the name "Disney" (either alone or in conjunction with or as part of any other word or name) or any fanciful characters, designs, logos, or trademarks of The Walt Disney Company or any of its related, affiliated, or subsidiary companies:
in any of your advertising, publicity, or promotions of the Play, all as provided in paragraph 1 of this Rider except to factually describe Disney's role in your production, namely, that Disney is a licensor only of its stage play and not Disney-owned production elements and is not a producer of your show.
to express or imply any endorsement by Disney of your production of the Play or any other of your activities; or:
in any other manner whatsoever (whether or not similar to the uses hereinabove specifically prohibited).
By signing your contract, you acknowledge your understanding of the above provisions and will share this with all appropriate parties associated with the Frozen JR.