It's Your Lucky Day! Upgraded Orchestrations for Guys and Dolls Have Arrived

It's Your Lucky Day! Upgraded Orchestrations for Guys and Dolls Have Arrived
Frank Loesser's brassy, immortal score has always made Guys and Dolls one of Music Theatre International's most beloved and perenially popular musicals. Over the years, we've been proud to license thousands of productions of this perfect musical comedy. Throughout this time, we've listened to your feedback in order to make our materials the best in the business, and ensure you have the best possible theatrical experience putting on a show.
We are proud to debut an upgraded set of Materials/Orchestrations for Guys and Dolls that are typeset, clean and ready to be used in your next production. The show remains exactly the same - nothing has been altered except for the new visual presentation of the Orchestrations.
We hope the upgraded Orchestrations make performing Guys and Dolls like hitting the jackpot! So what are you waiting for - there's never been a better time to bring the bright lights of Broadway to your stage. License Guys and Dolls today!