Use the ScenePartner App to Memorize Your Lines and Get Off Book Fast!
Use the ScenePartner App to Memorize Your Lines and Get Off Book Fast!
By Jason Cocovinis on September 05, 2013
Making Theater
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MTI Resources

• Scene Partner to Join MTI’s Suite of Theatrical Resources for Use With Licensed MTI Productions.
Scene Partner is a powerful iPhone®, iPad® and iPod Touch® app that helps actors with the age-old problem of how to memorize lines.
The agreement between MTI and will make the scripts of select MTI musicals available for rental digitally on the Scene Partner WebStore for use as a rehearsal tool in the Scene Partner App.
Theaters and actors will be able to access MTI e-Scripts to memorize the book portion of the libretto while mounting officially licensed productions. The first wave of Music Theatre International titles is expected to be available before the end of 2013.
When available, Theaters that have officially booked an MTI show will be able to rent multiple copies and distribute the e-Scripts to their casts during the term of performance licenses through a secure, online theater library. Actors who are participating in MTI- licensed productions will be able to rent a copy of the e-Scripts for their personal libraries as well.
Download the Free App and See if Scene Partner is Right for You
We’re getting ready to announce the MTI titles available through Scene Partner very soon, but in the meantime, we hope you’ll download a free version of the Scene Partner App from the iTunes store to see how it works with two plays in the public domain: William Shakespeare’s King Lear and As You Like It.
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