The MTI office will close early at 1 PM ET on Friday, February 14th and remain closed through Monday, February 17th in observance of Presidents' Day. Office operations will resume on Tuesday, February 18th.
Pacific Overtures
Stephen Sondheim and John Weidman (authors of Assassins) mix elements of Kabuki theatre with the conventions of the Broadway musical in Pacific Overtures, a highly original, inventive, powerful, educational and surprisingly humorous theatrical experience. Considered by many to be the artistic pinnacle of the legendary Sondheim/Prince collaborations, this exploration of culture and imperialism pushes the boundaries of musical theatre further than ever before.
Commodore Matthew Perry's 1853 mission to open trade relations with isolationist Japan through gunboat diplomacy forges an unlikely friendship between the samurai, Kayama, and the Americanized fisherman, Manjiro. Kayama and Manjiro – and all of Japanese society – must face the wave of Westernization that follows.
Its epic scope, subject matter, and sheer ambition make Pacific Overtures a unique artistic opportunity for any theatre, large or small, that is looking for a challenge.
Concert Selections for Pacific Overtures
MTI is pleased to provide the pre-approved rental materials of select songs for your symphonic concert performance. Please note, MTI is unable to grant the necessary Performance Rights with this material rental. The Performance Rights needed must be obtained separately through the individual song’s respective small rights agency such as ASCAP, BMI, or SESAC. Please email with any questions.
- CHRYSANTHEMUM TEAFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music bySONDHEIM, STEPHENLyrics bySONDHEIM, STEPHENOrchestrated byshow less...TUNICK, JONATHANArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged for8 MALE VOICESStarting KeyDmEstimated duration7 min 15 secInstrumentation1 Reed 1, 1 Reed 2, 1 Reed 3, 1 reed 4, 1 Reed 5, 2 Trumpet 1&2, 1 Trombone, 2 Horn 1&2, 6 Cello, 7 Viola, 17 Violin AB, 5 Bass, 3 Percussion, 1 Harp, 2 Piano Conductor, 1 Keyboard, 8 Chorus books
- MARCH TO THE TREATY HOUSEFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music bySONDHEIM, STEPHENOrchestrated byshow less...TUNICK, JONATHANArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged forINSTRUMENTALStarting KeyCEstimated duration1 min 24 secInstrumentation1 Reed 1(Piccolo), 1 Reed 2(Flute), 1 Reed 3(Clarinet), 1 Reed 4(Oboe), 1 Reed 5(Bassoon), 2 Trumpet 1&2, 2 Horn 1&2, 1 Trombone, 5 Bass, 3 Percussion 1&2(Bells, Drum Set) 1 Violin, 1 Viola , 1 Cello,1 Keyboard, 1 Harp, 2 Piano/Conductor
- NEXTFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music bySONDHEIM, STEPHENLyrics bySONDHEIM, STEPHENOrchestrated byshow less...TUNICK, JONATHANArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged for1 MALE VOICE, CHORUS (FEATURED SOLOS)Starting KeyBEstimated duration3 min 39 secInstrumentation1 Piccolo, 1 Flute, 1 Oboe, 1 Clarinet, 1 Bassoon, 2 Horn 1&2, 2 Trumpet 1&2, Trombone, 17 Violin, 7 Viola, 6 Cello, 5 Bass, 3 Percussion 1&2, 1 Harp, 1 Keyboard, 2 Piano Conductor, 25 Chorus books
- PLEASE HELLOFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byStephen SondheimLyrics byStephen SondheimOrchestrated byshow less...Jonathan TunickArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Starting KeyDEstimated duration9 min 13 secInstrumentation(2x) PIANO/CONDUCTOR SCORE, (6x) VOCAL BOOK, (1x) REED 1 (Piccolo, Flute), (1x) REED 2 (Clarinet, Flute), (1x) REED 3 (Clarinet), (1x) REED 4 (Oboe), (1x) REED 5 (Bassoon), (2x) HORNS 1 & 2, (2x) TRUMPETS 1 & 2, (1x) TROMBONE, (2x) PERCUSSION 1 & 2 (Drum Set, Timpani, Bells, Tam Tam, Temple Blocks, Wood Blocks, Triangle), (1x) KEYBOARD (Tacet), (1x) HARP, (16x) VIOLIN, (7x) VIOLA, (6x) CELLO, (5x) BASS - PRETTY LADYFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music bySONDHEIM, STEPHENLyrics bySONDHEIM, STEPHENOrchestrated byshow less...TUNICK, JONATHANArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged for3 MALE VOICESStarting KeyFEstimated duration2 min 53 secInstrumentation1 Flute, 1 Alto Flute, 1 Eng.Horn, 1 Clarinet, 1 Bass Clarinet, 2 Horn 1&2, 17 Violin, 7 Viola, 6 Cello, 5 Bass, 1 Harp, 2 Piano Conductor, 3 Chorus books
- PRETTY LADY ("SYMPHONIC SONDHEIM")First Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music bySONDHEIM, STEPHENLyrics bySONDHEIM, STEPHENArranged byshow less...SEBESKY, DONArrangement DetailsSong Type: Concert/Symphonic Arrangement (Instrumental)
A Concert/Symphonic Arrangement has been specifically written for use in a concert setting. Generally this means it features a larger, typical symphonic orchestration than what you may find in the show. It is meant to be performed without singers.
Arranged forINSTRUMENTALStarting KeyFEstimated duration2 min 53 secInstrumentation1 Flute 1, 1 Flute 2, 1 Piccolo, 1 Oboe, 1 Clarinet 1, 1 Clarinet 2, 1 Clarinet 3, 1 Bassoon 1, 1 Bassoon 2, 1 English horn, 1 Horn 1, 1 Horn 2, 1 Trumpet, 9 Violin 1, 8 Violin 2, 7 Viola, 6 Cello, 5 Bass, 1 Full Score, 1 Harp, 1 Celesta
- SOMEONE IN A TREEFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music bySONDHEIM, STEPHENLyrics bySONDHEIM, STEPHENOrchestrated byshow less...TUNICK, JONATHANArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged for4 MALE VOICESStarting KeyE♭Estimated duration7 min 19 secInstrumentation1 Flute 1, 1 Clarinet 1, 1 Clarinet 2, 2 Oboe(English horn), 1 Bassoon, 1 Trumpet 1, 1 Trumpet 2, 1 Horn 1, 1 Horn 2, 1 Trombone, 17 Violin, 7 Viola, 6 Cello, 5 Bass, 1 Percussion 1, 1 Percussion 2, 2 Piano Conductor, 1 Keyboard , 1 Harp, 4 Chorus books
Show Essentials
The Advantages Of Floating In The Middle Of The Sea
There Is No Other Way
Four Black Dragons
Welcome To Kanagawa
Someone In A Tree
Please Hello
A Bowler Hat
Pretty Lady
Cost Estimator
Estimate the approximate cost of your licensing fees by providing a few details about your production.