Questions for Dear Edwina Online Edition

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Pricing Info
Pricing Info

The pricing info is hidden behind the video.  Can't move it out of the way....

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Can this show be performed remotely? My students are back in the classroom, but I am still teaching from home. I would like to have them perform this, but they cannot sing at school, so would have to prerecord and/or perform from their homes.
Can this show be performed remotely? My students are back in the classroom, but I am still teaching from home. I would like to have them perform this, but they cannot sing at school, so would have to prerecord and/or perform from their homes.
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I have been unable to complete my application for this show. I have used two different credit cards and there is a problem each time.
I have been unable to complete my application for this show. I have used two different credit cards and there is a problem each time.

Has anyone else had difficulty?

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Online Production
Online Production

Can you please give me an overview of how the cast "rehearsals" are facilitated online, as well as how they and the "audience" are connected during performance?  What is the method?   Thx

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