The MTI office will close early at 1 PM ET on Friday, February 14th and remain closed through Monday, February 17th in observance of Presidents' Day. Office operations will resume on Tuesday, February 18th.
Questions for Disney's High School Musical JR.
What is the difference between Jr, One Act, and Full Shows?
In trying to pick the correct version of a show I am having a difficult time distinguishing between A full show, A One Act, and the Jr. version. For example, High School Musical has all three and I don't see much that is obvious between the three. (I teach middle school 5th - 8th grade.) Thank you!
How Long Does Contract Processing Usually Take?
I submitted my completed show contract to my MTI representative a few weeks ago and have heard nothing back. I have followed up since then and have still gotten no response. I was just wondering if contract processing usually takes this long or if I should try to follow up again?
High School Musical JR Remote Rights
I teach at a public K-8 building. My students need to record at home so I believe I am only interested in shows that have REMOTE PERFORMANCE RIGHTS. We would like to do High School Musical JR. The site clearly states that Non-Schools can get Remote Performance Rights. Can SCHOOLS get Remote Performance Rights for High School Musical JR? I cannot bear to create a remote performance and then be told I cannot share it with parents.
Age Limits?
Good afternoon,
Are there age limits on the junior version of this show?
Thank you!