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NBC's 'SMASH' MAKE A MUSICAL's 2nd Visit - Stroud High School, Oklahoma City
NBC's 'SMASH' MAKE A MUSICAL's 2nd Visit - Stroud High School, Oklahoma City
By Cindy Ripley on April 16, 2012
Stroud High School
Oklahoma City, OK
Reported by: Marty Johnson, Director of Education, iTheatrics
March 30, 2012
The team at Stroud High School is fully emerged in their production of FIDDLER ON THE ROOF JR, and I couldn’t be more impressed. Being from a small town, the directing team wisely chose to make this production a true community event by casting middle and high school students, and even one elementary school student. As I watched them rehearsing the wedding scene from the show, it was abundantly clear they understood the importance of family and tradition in the musical. They have done great work researching the Jewish traditions that were once unfamiliar to them, and they are the perfect group to take on the challenge of representing a close-knit community from a small town.
Meet STEPHANIE from Stroud High School
Grade: 11 Favorite color: Turquoise and red Favorite band or singer: Call 'Em Captain Karma Favorite sport: Basketball Hobbies: Working out with dad, tanning What’s interesting about you and your family? My mom was Miss Indian Oklahoma, and we have seven generations of Princesses. What do you want to be when you grow up? Massage Therapist Role in show: Villager Favorite part of the musical's story: The beginning where we learn about the traditions. Favorite part of rehearsal: Making new friends Hardest part of being in the show: First time singing for a crowd How has being in the show changed you? I'm more open to others and able to be myself. What do you think your family will say when they see the show? “Wow!”
Meet CAMERON from Stroud High School
Grade: 12 Favorite subject: History and Drama Favorite band or singer: Bob Dylan Favorite sport: Archery Hobbies: Playing guitar, singing, shooting and farming What’s interesting about you and your family? We have a lot of cows. What do you want to be when you grow up? Doctor, farmer or a singer Role in show: Tevye Favorite part of the musical's story: The wedding is my favorite because Jewish Weddings are so cool. How has being in the show changed you? It has given me insight on the feelings thoughts and emotions of other people. Do you think it is important for other kids to be in a musical? Yes because it shows them someone else's point of view. If you could travel in time and visit yourself right before you perform in the show, what would you say? I would wish myself luck, hope I would have my lines memorized, and ask what the winning lottery number was.
*Read about the "Make A Musical" Team's first visit to Stroud High School!*
“NBC’s ‘Smash’: Make A Musical” program is administered by iTheatrics under the supervision of Timothy Allen McDonald. For more information, or to apply to become a part of the program, logon to www.MAKEAMUSICAL.ORG.